Professional Resources

AG Bell knows that busy professionals need easy and immediate access to tools and resources. We offer a number of activities that provide information about listening and spoken language.

Connecting Professionals Virtually

AG Bell is pleased to offer 1 to 1.5 hour webinars as recorded, “on demand” sessions for AG Bell Academy LSLS Continuing Education Units (CEUs). All webinars are offered in English and captioned in English and Spanish. Viewing of an entire session and an Assessment of Learning related to the viewed webinar must be completed in order to earn LSLS CEUs. Learners may earn up to 21.5 LSLS CEUs through AG Bell webinars.

Learn More

Listening and Spoken Language (LSLS) Certification

The AG Bell Academy is the global leader in Listening and Spoken Language Certification. The requirements for the Listening and Spoken Language Specialist (LSLS) Certification set universal professional standards for knowledge and practical experience providing listening and spoken language intervention for children who are deaf or hard of hearing and their families. The LSLS exam is defensible and verifiable and follows National Organization for Competency Assurance (NOCA) standards.

AG Bell Global Listening and Spoken Language Symposium

  2021 Global Listening and Spoken Language (LSL) Virtual Symposium

AG Bell is pleased to again offer its Global LSL Symposium as a virtual event in June 2021. Stay tuned to  www.agbellsymposium.com for current information, including call for proposals and registration.


Proud, Prepared, Professional

AG Bell's professional-focused blog offers articles on best practices and support for professionals in the field of listening and spoken language


The LSL Leading Edge

AG Bell professional members receive a bimonthly newsletter with specialized content for advancing and furthering their careers.

The Volta Review

AG Bell's peer-reviewed, professional research journal publishes research advancing speech and language development and education. Professional members receive access as a member benefit.



Reach Us

Alexander Graham Bell Association
for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing

3417 Volta Place NW
Washington, D.C. 20007

Tel: 202-337-5220
TTY: 202-337-5221


Our Mission

Working globally to ensure that people who are deaf and hard of hearing can hear and talk. 

We want all families to be informed and supported, professionals to be appropriately qualified to teach and help children with hearing loss, public policy leaders to effectively address the needs of people with hearing loss, and communities to be empowered to help their neighbors with hearing loss succeed.